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All Hands In

Dear Friends and Neighbors,
As our world, our country, and at times, as even our community struggles with how to react to those who are different from us, who may be a different race or gender identity, who may worship differently, or who may not profess a belief at all; we may stand confused, angry, and perplexed. We wonder how to react, what our place is, who to believe, and where to turn for comfort.

Lately, we have witnessed all too many instances of hate and hateful speech, intolerance,
and even violence ending in the loss of life. All of us know that hurtful words and actions,
and that violent acts have no place in our community or our country. The way we treat
others directly reflects who we are as a society and as individuals. Our actions speak to the
heart of our character and faith.

If we accept the simple admonition of Jesus that love conquers all differences and makes us one family of humankind, then we know how to solve these issues. The solutions involve listening, sharing ideas and ultimately change for all of us in spite of our reluctance andfears.

To that end, we at South Congregational Church stand willing to provide a welcoming and
supportive place to all, especially for those needing comfort and to help promote dialogue on these critical issues of our time. We desire to be a part of the solution as unclear as that may be.

We are an open and affirming congregation. Our mission is to be an inclusive community of faith that preaches the word of God, teaches the love of Jesus Christ, and reaches out to all through the Holy Spirit. All are welcome! In this Covid-19 time of upheaval our doors may be closed yet our hearts remain open and South Church remains engaged in mission and ministry.

On behalf of the Central Board and the entire South Church community ~ We invite you to
join us in a spirit of caring, listening and even in being challenged to change. We invite you to visit us at

Rev. Scott Kavanagh           Patti G. Berger
Guest Minister                    Central Board Chairperson


P.O. Box 414

2 North St.

Kennebunkport, ME   





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