Weddings at South Church
South Church is a beautiful setting for weddings. Our historic center- aisle sanctuary with views to the River make for a warm and sacred place for the exchange of vows, and for family and friends to partake in witnessing vows. Our clergy take pride in tailoring the event to your particular hopes while bringing expertise in making the service sacred, joyous and dignified. Please contact us at info@southchurchucc.org to plan your wedding.
Our River Green can also acommodate outdoor weddings with the use of rented chairs. One of two locations on our campus, the Sanctuary or the Community House--can serve as the location in case of inclement weather.
The Community House can acommodate receptions for small to midsize weddings. See this website for more information

Baptism at South Church
Baptisms are part of our Sunday morning worship as one of the two sacraments of our church. Baptism welcomes a child into the life of the church, as parents make promises on behalf of the child to raise them in the love of Christ and in relationship to a church. Our congregation delights in making and keeping its promises to love, support and care for your child. Please email us for more information.
While we perform many child baptism, adults too can join the church universal in baptism. Send us an email to start a conversation about baptism.